2021-12-21 04:22:11
5 Mistakes to be Avoided with ReactJS Development

ReactJS development has become of the most popular front-end frameworks that multiple platforms have used to build up their performance. A ReactJS developer uses this open-source mobile app development framework for an effective development experience. The developers can build applications with React native framework and they will give a native app-like feel.

ReactJS application development is not new to the tech world. Big brand names like Netflix, Facebook, and Airbnb, etc are using ReactJS and the demand continues because of its usefulness. ReactJS mobile development is trending these days but often the developers do a few mistakes in the development process that ultimately troubles the final product. An efficient ReactJS application development company is the one that avoids these mistakes to offer the best result for your business. Mitiz Technologies has listed a few prominent ones to rectify in its ReactJS development process –

1. Using External Modules

If a ReactJS developer uses external modules, there is an urge to verify the external modules codes. But the developers often forget to do so. Therefore, it is known as the most prominent mistake made by the developers if they have less experience. Our developers are skilled enough to understand this necessity of development. We research through the terms and pay proper attention to the verifications. There may be several more problems while using external modules that it doesn’t go according to the expectations. The proper verification of the things will ensure and complete the development process well.

2. Not Creating Enough Components

Here is another common mistake of ReactJS mobile development that is not creating enough components. React allows the developers to create large components so the tasks can be executed perfectly. Additionally, it is also required that the developers keep those components small that works for one specific function. It saves lots of time and effort from the developers’ end as well. The developer knows that which specific component is causing the trouble in the application if any error occurs.

3. Not Optimizing Images

An application or website takes time to load due to its image and text content. In ReactJS development, it is suggested to the developers as they must optimize the images to soothe the overall loading time of the website. Image optimization is an important task for developers to do. This elevates the performance of the application and makes that smooth.

4. Direct Modification of State

The state should be immutable in ReactJS application development. The developers often directly jump into the state for modification. This further causes some performance issues to get fixed well with the application. Since the object gets changed with the same preference, React cannot observe and trigger re-rendering.

5. Not Using ‘Key’ on a Listing Component

A ReactJS developer should be vigilant while working with large lists. If they will not use ‘key’ on a listing component, the large lists can cause trouble. React tracks all the list elements on DOM and this record helps React to mind the changes well. Here, the developers can add keys to all the list elements. From addition to modification, there are many more things where these mistakes should be avoided to raise the development experience.

If you are looking for a flawless experience with ReactJS mobile development, Mitiz Technologies has pulled up the socks to do it all for the virtual presence and performance of your business. Apart from all the above-mentioned mistakes, another common mistake is choosing the wrong project structure. Once your project structure is defined well, nothing can stop your success. Our development team is all here to create your ReactJS application, without any loophole.

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