Job Description

Client Name

PPC Surge

PRoject Type

Business ,Business ,Business is an application built to stop paid Ad click Fraud. The application is mainly developed to block IP addresses automatically when any click fraud is detected using APIs provided by Google Adwords, Facebook, Bing. There is no need to tediously cut and paste links (or IP addresses) into Google ad-words or Bing/Yahoo. IP addresses can be blocked with no effort on your part (if you desire). Monitors and Warnings are already crafted (but can be customized). In short, it’s a turnkey system for the busy entrepreneur. Hope you enjoy using it and enjoy the money you will save.

PPCSurge is built using custom programming and Laravel 5 as MVC framework, Mysql as backend database. Other technologies used in the application are HTML 5, Bootstrap 3, CSS3, jQuery etc. 

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